Tooth-Colored Fillings In Aventura, FL


Tooth-colored fillings are often used to repair cracks or to fill in damage to a tooth caused by decay. When harmful bacteria begin to thrive in your mouth, it can secrete an acid that eats away at your tooth’s enamel. In combination with poor dental hygiene, the result tends to produce cavities.

If ignored, cavities will continue to grow, causing the tooth to become sensitive or even painful as the enamel is eroded away. That’s why the best treatment plan is to catch a cavity as early as possible. If dentist Dr. David Bistritz spots a cavity with our x-rays during an exam, he will often recommend tooth fillings to repair the damage. This treatment consists of a composite resin that can be colored to match the patient’s natural teeth for a beautiful smile. Call Aventura Dental Center in Aventura, FL today at 305-933-2501 to schedule an appointment.

What To Expect

A tooth-colored filling is typically performed at our office under local anesthesia to ease any pain and discomfort. Once the patient is prepared, Dr. Bistritz will use a drill to carefully remove the decayed area of the enamel. Then, he will etch the tooth with an acid gel to help bond the tooth-colored filling when it is placed. The resin is applied and hardened with a special light. Dr. Bistritz will continue to apply layers of resin and harden them until the tooth is strong and even. Any excess resin can be polished and smoothed with the drill.

Dental Filling Treatment Aftercare

Immediately after the filling is placed and dried, Dr. Bistritz will finish and polish the tooth for smooth edges. Once the anesthesia wears off, patients may notice sensitivity to heat, cold, pressure, and more. This sensitivity is only temporary and should not last more than 1 – 2 weeks. Patients should continue a good home oral care routine, including brushing and flossing, in addition to regular dental exams and cleanings. Dr. Bistritz will monitor the condition of your filling at each visit and help you determine when you need a replacement.

Insurance Coverage

Most dental insurance companies cover part of the cost of a tooth-colored filling whether it is a new filling or a replacement for an old silver amalgam (metal) filling. Our office will help patients determine their coverage and personal cost during the consultation. Patients who don’t have or don’t want to use their insurance have several payment and financing options through our office.

Plan Your Procedure

May 2024

Get A Seamless Smile With Dental Filings

Cavities can happen to anyone, but they don’t have to ruin the appearance and function of your teeth with tooth-colored fillings. Resin composite fillings cover areas of decay and strengthen the tooth while matching your natural tooth color to blend seamlessly. Learn more about how tooth-colored fillings can repair your teeth while keeping your smile beautiful. Call our office at 305-933-2501 or contact us online to set up a consultation!

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.